Tuesday, March 18, 2014

Weeks 16& 17 March 2-16

These last two weeks have been pretty big on the development for Lincoln.
We went to the doctor for his 4 month check up. There were shots, he was not pleased. He looked at me like I had just betrayed him. It was heart breaking. Those giant tears.... Oh god.

Anyway he's a whopping 12 pounds! 

He is rolling over really easily now. I put him on his tummy for longer periods now. Ever since he figured out how easy it is to roll over, he doesn't put up such a fuss when it's tummy time. I think he disliked the pressure. Who knows. 
But he's fitting in his 3-6 month outfits and looks soooooo flippin cute!
They are especially cute because he's just so happy every day. I really love this age

He even smiles while he sleeps

Auntie Cher got him a Mike Wazowski outfit. I think he likes it!
Heck yeah!

Ok so there are a billion photos of this next thing, which is his first encounter with solid food. 

My mom made it look so easy, see how clean and NOT SCREAMING he is when she's feeding him? Yeahhhh...... So I gave it a try, with less glamorous results, behold!


He struggled through the rest of the meal but we finished it. I am happy to report that it has gotten increasingly better each time we try.

He met his great grandma Betty last week, but I stupidly only took pictures on HER Camera.
So, there's none of that sweet sweet meeting. We'll just have to go down to Zion's to get some more pictures I guess. :)

Well, I leave you with this last picture of his serious contemplation face as he stared out the car window.  Such a deep little thinker!

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