Monday, March 3, 2014

Week 15 &16- February 16 to March 2

The last few weeks have been crazy! 
We got the baby baptized, and he looked super sweet

We were fostering a chow from the shelter, her name was Kona 
Poor thing has agressive cancer and even had a grapefruit sized tumor burst while she was at the shelter, so we got her out of there, took her to the vet and nursed her back to health. I'm happy to report she is now with her forever family and we couldn't be happier for her.

Lincoln has been such a little love these last few weeks

He sleeps through the night FINALLY. 

Quite peacefully I might add

A new thing he does is cuddle his rattle bear at night. And he likes to snuggle up in the covers so he pulls them up by his face and cuddles the blanket if he doesn't have Señor Binky to hold. His hand eye coordination grows every day. 
He really only started sleeping through the night when we started putting him in the boppy in his crib. Those two items have been the greatest things. He's a side sleeper now. 

Lincoln went visiting to great grandpa and grandma 


And his aunties came over to see him on Saturday. looking very much like a gay couple here. Lol.


He's pretty happy almost all day. But I managed to get a grumpy face picture.

Oh man, just look at that frown and those furrowed brows. 

But really,  most of the time even when he's grumpy he just looks like a peaceful little kewpie doll.

"God, mom stop taking pictures already."

Ok ok, that's enough for now. 
See you next week!

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