Monday, March 31, 2014

So, just a couple quick pics. Lord this so much easier if I just post them as I get them.
Here are the pictures from his big meeting with Great Grandma Betty.

Just mommy and Baby  :) I'm happy she took this picture, honestly.... I am never in any photos!

 Betty really took a shine to killer, who is (I promise) a hundred times sweeter than she looks here.

quick side note: Rue and Killer finally cuddled for the first time ever this weekend. This is like... a really big deal.
They used to haaaate eachother.
so here is proof:

because without photos of this, you'd never believe it truly happened. but it did.
Anyway Back to grandma pictures!
 This ones a bit dark....
so heres a big bright one!
Have you ever seen a prettier happier Great Grandma? Man oh man, I love this picture.

ok so one last little video my mom sent me from sunday at my grandmas.

Baby is still a little too small to share Gianna's jumper, but he's loving it all the same!
Not sure why my mom didn't lower it, so his feet could touch the ground. But oh well, look at that jig. haha. worth it.

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