Monday, March 31, 2014

So, just a couple quick pics. Lord this so much easier if I just post them as I get them.
Here are the pictures from his big meeting with Great Grandma Betty.

Just mommy and Baby  :) I'm happy she took this picture, honestly.... I am never in any photos!

 Betty really took a shine to killer, who is (I promise) a hundred times sweeter than she looks here.

quick side note: Rue and Killer finally cuddled for the first time ever this weekend. This is like... a really big deal.
They used to haaaate eachother.
so here is proof:

because without photos of this, you'd never believe it truly happened. but it did.
Anyway Back to grandma pictures!
 This ones a bit dark....
so heres a big bright one!
Have you ever seen a prettier happier Great Grandma? Man oh man, I love this picture.

ok so one last little video my mom sent me from sunday at my grandmas.

Baby is still a little too small to share Gianna's jumper, but he's loving it all the same!
Not sure why my mom didn't lower it, so his feet could touch the ground. But oh well, look at that jig. haha. worth it.

Monday, March 24, 2014

Quick addition.... A couple photos from this week didn't get posted so here's a quick addendum.

Picture of baby playing, too cute to leave out

Then his bunny comparison picture....since he's 4 months now....

Bunny squish!

Compare with 2months 
And 2 weeks

Crazy how much he grew in 4 months

And then here's one last one of him looking oh so cool in his sunglasses, that he weirdly really likes and wears without ripping off his face like babies normally do.

Sunday, March 23, 2014

18 weeks old. WTF. where is the time going?! March 16-23

 Oh Hello. I'm Lincoln. I'm just being cozy and cute over here. no big deal. I like to cuddle.

How about you?????

I drew a mustache on baby. he laughed because it tickled. and I laughed because it was cute.
 Shameless mommy baby selfie.

He went to see my Grandma and Aunt Aggie last week. The is the rarest photo in the world. Shes smiling and her eyes are open!

Baby and Daddy messing around

Little mister went to his first car show, here's the coolest one I thought... modded out VWs man...heck yeah.


 Lincoln was sleeping...... missing all the action.......but holding on to his super cool new sunglasses.

He woke up later all full of sass.....

And fell asleep again..... he loves to hold his own bottle now. He's totally not strong enough, but he tries just the same.

Soooo exhausted.
 such a little beached whale!

Here's a few of Rue watching and guarding her baby. If only she could change diapers she'd be the best babysitter ever!

 This one is technically from last week but I included it because I think he looks quite a bit like my uncle mike and I love it.
Thats all for this week, but I added some new photos of the baptism if you want to check out that post again it's updated now.

Tuesday, March 18, 2014

Weeks 16& 17 March 2-16

These last two weeks have been pretty big on the development for Lincoln.
We went to the doctor for his 4 month check up. There were shots, he was not pleased. He looked at me like I had just betrayed him. It was heart breaking. Those giant tears.... Oh god.

Anyway he's a whopping 12 pounds! 

He is rolling over really easily now. I put him on his tummy for longer periods now. Ever since he figured out how easy it is to roll over, he doesn't put up such a fuss when it's tummy time. I think he disliked the pressure. Who knows. 
But he's fitting in his 3-6 month outfits and looks soooooo flippin cute!
They are especially cute because he's just so happy every day. I really love this age

He even smiles while he sleeps

Auntie Cher got him a Mike Wazowski outfit. I think he likes it!
Heck yeah!

Ok so there are a billion photos of this next thing, which is his first encounter with solid food. 

My mom made it look so easy, see how clean and NOT SCREAMING he is when she's feeding him? Yeahhhh...... So I gave it a try, with less glamorous results, behold!


He struggled through the rest of the meal but we finished it. I am happy to report that it has gotten increasingly better each time we try.

He met his great grandma Betty last week, but I stupidly only took pictures on HER Camera.
So, there's none of that sweet sweet meeting. We'll just have to go down to Zion's to get some more pictures I guess. :)

Well, I leave you with this last picture of his serious contemplation face as he stared out the car window.  Such a deep little thinker!

Monday, March 3, 2014

Week 15 &16- February 16 to March 2

The last few weeks have been crazy! 
We got the baby baptized, and he looked super sweet

We were fostering a chow from the shelter, her name was Kona 
Poor thing has agressive cancer and even had a grapefruit sized tumor burst while she was at the shelter, so we got her out of there, took her to the vet and nursed her back to health. I'm happy to report she is now with her forever family and we couldn't be happier for her.

Lincoln has been such a little love these last few weeks

He sleeps through the night FINALLY. 

Quite peacefully I might add

A new thing he does is cuddle his rattle bear at night. And he likes to snuggle up in the covers so he pulls them up by his face and cuddles the blanket if he doesn't have SeƱor Binky to hold. His hand eye coordination grows every day. 
He really only started sleeping through the night when we started putting him in the boppy in his crib. Those two items have been the greatest things. He's a side sleeper now. 

Lincoln went visiting to great grandpa and grandma 


And his aunties came over to see him on Saturday. looking very much like a gay couple here. Lol.


He's pretty happy almost all day. But I managed to get a grumpy face picture.

Oh man, just look at that frown and those furrowed brows. 

But really,  most of the time even when he's grumpy he just looks like a peaceful little kewpie doll.

"God, mom stop taking pictures already."

Ok ok, that's enough for now. 
See you next week!