Wednesday, November 5, 2014

christ's pajamas. He's ONE.

SO the time has come..... its nearing one year since Lincoln was born. Holy cow.

I havent posted in two months...... so this going to be a long one. STRAP IN.

SO we hiked Grandeur Peak. with baby. it was CRAZY.

This is a big deal because baby NEVER cuddles or falls asleep on me. it made me very happy.

 He walks around things, hes so close to taking his first steps!

 Such an adorable sleeper.

Sassy baby

His halloween costume was a dragon. he was adorable!

Baby loves his green smoothies. he looks like a crazy person with all that long hair. omg.

Bath time after spaghetti dinner.

so peaceful.

We went to the Saturday morning farmers market.... he had lots of fun!

He found a fork, got all crazy with it. wouldnt let me take it from him.

 new hat! gonna keep  him so warm and it came with matching mittens!

New pajamas and jacket vest.... such a sass.
 actual halloween

 Loving and being loved.

I was a princess and he was a dragon.... it was pretty darn cute!

Jordy and Rue are finally FINALLY friends. first cuddle!!

baby was being crazy and banging on the windows after he woke up from a nap.

"what do you mean NO??"

Happy times with grandma

Finally big enough to wear his robe.

Last night Auntie Cherilyn let him play with her phone. something hes never been allowed to do. she downloaded a game for him and he was LOVING IT

I cant believe how big he is.
I'll have to do a bunny picture to show how much hes grown.

next time!

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