Monday, November 11, 2013

New baby.

I decided to start this blog because we live so far away from everyone,  and it feels likes much time passes between visits that we don't get to share much of our lives with our loved ones.

So considering our newest addition, I think a little photo blog is in order.

November 7, 2013 at 10pm our sweet baby Lincoln Nicholas Gallegos joined our family.
He was exactly one month early, he was 18 inches long and weighed 5lbs 11oz.
Despite being the tiniest little guy, he is completely healthy and his delivery was without any complications. 

I carried him entirely in my back, here he is the day before I went into labor. 8 & 1/2 months pregnant.... 
Hooray for no stretch marks, but holy cow was it painful not being able to breathe or sleep or eat because he was squishing my lungs, spine, and stomach. 
Here he is moments after birth. I was very happy to see him. Please ignore my sissy tear streaks. 

His first smile. I am so insanely happy I caught this on camera. 

Being handsome 

Lauren (Lincoln's proud godmother) and Olivia.
Liv was very happy to meet him, she whispered "next year we will get to share cake" and I nearly lost it. So cute. They now share a birthday, within an hour of each other.


The photographer at the hospital got some good shots

Chris pledging allegiance to the Lincoln
And just being Chris...


Him being tiny.....
In his swing

Pretending to be a baby sloth


First bath


That pretty much brings us up to date.

I will post weekly with more family first moments.... 
And with the holidays coming, I'm pretty excited about all of the milestones we will have to share. 

Much love,
The Gallegos Family.

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