Sunday, January 19, 2014

Weeks 9&10 January 5-19

So we haven't taken many pictures these last two weeks. Well, actually Chris has, but he's at a movie so his pictures will have to be added later.

We did visit the doctor for his big 2 month check up. I stupidly didn't take any pictures. oh well...  He's gaining weight at the exact rate he's supposed to. So, he's still much smaller than the average 2 month old since he started out so small, but as time goes by he'll close that gap. In the mean time I will just enjoy my little baby.

So.... Lincoln went to cherilyn and Trevor's house so they could have some practice taking care of a baby.
Here she is beating him mercilessly on the back.

And he got to wear their beaver hat
I don't know if he liked it.....

He got lots of baths in these last two weeks but here's the cutest one

And he got new clothes, here's him napping in his new first pair of jeans

Also, we got him a bear suit.......

So that's pretty much it. Also here's his bunny, he's grown a lot since his last bunny picture from two months ago... 
Oh my ! Nov 17th. Tiny baby!
He went from being much smaller than the bunny..... To much larger than the bunny
January 17th

Check it, he's even almost got thigh chub!
As much as I loved him when he was itty bitty, regular sized Lincoln is a lot more fun now that he smiles and giggles all the time.

Here's a couple more cuz... Why not?

It's blurry but he was laughing so hard I couldn't get him to hold still

I said smile for the camera! And he went RAAAWWWRRR!!!

Tuesday, January 7, 2014

Week 8 -December 29 to january 5

So we went and took some professional photos this week. Foto fly is the raddest place ever. I highly recommend them

He was not the most cooperative baby.
He is lucky he's so damned cute.

Mommy and baby had their own photoshoot

he wasnt cooperating then either so i just started mimicking him.

Chris loved his bowtie, he looks so distinguished

Here he is riding Cisco

 And then here is a series of photos of people loving up on him. he is so lovable.

then here's a visit to great grandma and grandpa

Thursday, January 2, 2014

Week 7 Dec 22-29

It's Christmas time!

Our first Christmas as a new little family. It was a little modest, but so full of family and love that it made it the best day ever.
We went to 8 different places that day. Baby didn't like all the travel but he sure looked cute, BEHOLD;
Baby Christmas morning
Chris being a grinch in the back ground.
I keep telling him that if he pulls faces like this, those are the pictures I'm gonna post. Muahaha!

Our elf at Dan & De's Christmas breakfast 

Popped over to Christies parents house and got the rarest of photos: Christie holding a baby.

We went to burnt's to see his 3 day old baby girl who is bigger than our 7 week old. 
Christmas was great. 
Here's Lincoln on Christmas Eve being all excited for Santa. Although, that may just be gas. 
It's probably gas.

We went to see mike and Carolyn the other day and baby seems to have taken a liking to her. As he slept very soundly like this in her arms for over an hour. 

He's been pretty good this last week. Sleeping and growing a ton. 
His puppy slippers finally fit!
 And lastly, him being a goofball
Happy holidays everyone!